Monday, May 24, 2010

Job Hop and Attrition: Individual and Oranizational Perspective

According to Khuram Shahzad, in terms of Job Hop:“There can be multiple reasons, as explained by Herzberg's Motivation-Hygiene Theory. Employees want to move to other departments/teams when they feel that they can get better personal growth, self esteem, salary or better relations with manager/peers in other team as compared to their existing team. ” He feels that Attrition happens: “when employee feels that the overall environment of the company is not according to his required standards then employee thinks to go in some other company which is more aligned with his future goals and plans”. 
This is what Suhasini Sahakare thinks about Job Hop and Attrition, “The first typically happens because of “short termist” priorities at the top leadership level, which impact organizational culture.
After all, retaining people yields benefits only over the long term. Only when leadership is focused on the long term does it make the sacrifices necessary to retain people.
The second may happen for any reason under the sun really. I mean, a number of employees move because their spouse got transferred. How do you control that?” 
About Job Hop and Attrition, Steve Sutton says:”I not so much believe in "Human capital" as in humans.
People are not just one of the four types of fixed capital as Adam Smith wrote ( ), but the base of any organization.
You can have machines, instruments (tools) of the trade and buildings, but without people you still have nothing.
On the other hand, people without machines, tools or buildings can and are capable of making a difference and earning profits.
A company who "cuts costs" by reducing staff is either making a big mistake now, or made one in the past by hiring the wrong people in the first place. If they have the right people, getting rid of them will cost more in the long run than any perceived savings in the short term.”

This is what Abhijit Sinha has to say about Job Hop and Attrition, “People don't leave organisation they leave their bosses. this statement is true in majority. I firmly believe and have seen that people who shift or change job of course think and say that they are moving for growth,but the question is if they get opportunity and growth in their own organisation why the will they shift and start from scratch.,
As there can be vision of organisation and scenario in various phase plays an imp.role.”

Milton Rivera Manga says, “Individual and organizational level are of course related.
It seems that a large proportion of individual job changes are due to a bad relation with the superior or boss.”

Zach Jonson says, “Employees are constantly moving within companies, sometimes outside factors like completion of college leads employees to a different employer and higher pay. With high turnover it basically means people are leaving the company fairly quickly. When people leave the company normally someone else changes positions to fill that vacant position leaving their position open to another person or a new employee.
The key for great companies is finding talented people and being able to retain those people within the organization for a long period of time.”

Christine Hueber opines:
“More enjoyment in another position.
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The discussion makes it clear that an employee can change job within the organization for the following reasons:
1. Lateral movement from one department (functional area) to another functional area.
Benefit to the employee: Employee gets opportunity to acquire knowledge, skill and experience of different functions of the organization and this gives twin benefits to the employee in terms of becoming more valuable to the organization by acquiring more comprehensive knowledge and experience of its activities and secondly, the employee gets an opportunity to move into the functional area of better comfort level, which helps in his/her career development objective.
Benefit to the organization: Through such movement, the organization is able to develop employees internally for its functions use their talent, skill and experience on the long run in decision making process at the management level  as part of the organization's management or skill succession plan to groom its people to plan and perpetuate its vision on a long run. This is also useful in technology intensive organization as they can help their employees to upgrade their technological know-how while developing their cross-functional skills and experience.

2.Vertical Movement: What we all generally know as internal job posting or addressing the vacancies through the existing resource within the organization, who has the required expertise to handle the portfolio, instead of hiring an external resource for the function. it is similar to lateral movement only that movement is up on the functional hierarchy ladder.
Benefit to the employee: Employee is able to utilize the opportunities available within the organization in career advancement. He or she can avail such opportunity to showcase and exploit ones multifarious talent to mutual benefit and this will also provide scope to the individual to enhance know-how and experience in mid and long term planning and preparing the road map with clearer vision gained from the experience gained from various levels of functional  hierarchy.
Benefit to the organization: The organization is able to groom and retain talent who can align their career objective with the vision and functional objective of the organization and can help it in fortifying and successfully executing the long term plans and objectives.
3. Geographic movement: from one location to another. Usually, an employee can move from one location office to another location office of the organization.
Benefit to the employee: In case an employee has to join his or her family or work from home town or country. This also gives the employee an opportunity to gain experience of the unique functionality of various geographic locations and this is of benefit for the marketing and media development professionals as well as those in research and development activities, who need to be aware of the ground realities at various geographic locations.
Benefit to the organization: Have employees comfortably positioned at its location offices so that they can help in executing its functions effectively. Have employees placed at locations who are aware of the place and the ground realities to effectively implement the organizations policies and functional objectives. Especially, when an organization is opening a new location office, it can relocate its employees who are from the region to do the pioneering activity of setting up base and establishing the organization in the region. Most of the MNCs are in the practice of giving home transfers or home relocation with promotion to their employees.

External Movement in terms of an individual and attrition or manpower turn over in terms of organization can be due to various reasons. Let us see what they are:

External Movement: Individual:- It is true, people do not leave organizations, people leave people.

  1. No more career advancement prospects with the current organization.
  2. Unfavourable working conditions.
  3. Lack of recognition and functional motivation.
  4.  Office Politics or derogatory work pressure.
  5. Fallout with the immediate superior.
  6. Disagreement with the policies or the functional objectives of the organization.
  7. Better opportunities available outside the organization.
  8. Personal reasons viz. family pressure, health conditions, etc.
  9. Move to better matched job opportunity if available.
External Movement: Organization:- High employee turnover experienced by organization.
  1. Challenge from its competitors who body snatch its employees.
  2. Poor working conditions.
  3. Lack of functional motivation to its employees.
  4. Flawed work policies and regulations.
  5. Improper planning and implementation of its vision in terms of resource management.
  6. Lack of proper alignment of its vision with the functional objective of the employees.
  7. Over-emphasis on short-term objectives leading to improper remuneration and compensation policies.
  8. Improper leadership at various levels of functional hierarchy.
  9. Improper hiring and training policies.
It is quite apparent that what ever may be the reason for job hop and attrition, proper hiring of  resource supported by proper HR policies and working conditions giving opportunity to an employee to align his/her career objective with the vision of the organization will address job hop and attrition in a positive way.

In case you are curious to about the reasons employees resign from their employ and leave, then  read "Why Employees Leave..."

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