Thursday, October 13, 2016

It Hurts...

When I compare myself with others, it hurts
When I value success, not experience, it hurts
When I am ignored, it hurts
When I do not get due respect, it hurts
When others are recognised for my efforts, it hurts
When I receive hatred in return of my love, it hurts
When I am ridiculed for my beliefs and values, it hurts
When I am looked down upon, it hurts
When I am the joke and laughed upon, it hurts
When I find myself unlucky always, it hurts
When I am taken for granted for a cause, it hurts
When I am exploited and used by others, it hurts
When I sacrifice my life and die an unsung hero, it hurts
Yes, it hurts!
When I empathise with others, it doesn't hurt
When I live life as a journey, not competition, it doesn't hurt
When I don't do anything to gain attention, to be the centre of attraction, it doesn'tsn't hurt
When I value and respect others as I do myself, it doesn't hurt
When I strive for my happiness and not recognition, it doesn't hurt
When I do not impose my beliefs and values on others, it doesn't hurt
When I am steadfast on my self worth, it doesn't hurt
When people laugh at me, I smile and say, at least, I am not the cause of their sorrow, it doesn't hurt
When endeavour and effort is more valuable than luck, it doesn't hurt
When I learn to value being alone, it doesn't hurt
When I value concerted effort to achieve a cause, it doesn't hurt
When I learn to value others as much as I value myself, it doesn't hurt
When I devote myself for harmony within and without, I am at peace
When 'I' of my Ego, realises all this, it doesn't hurt anymore...
Yes, it doesn't hurt...
